Sunday, January 12, 2014

Take that red bull by the horns in 2014!

We've hit the first official South African working week with a bang. Well in my case it was the shrieking of my phone alarm. Getting up at 6am is a shock to the system when you're been chilling under the covers till 8am for 3 weeks solid. 

Now before you "hard working", "seize the day", "early bird catches the worm" types judge me for being a lazy bum - hear me out. When you run your own business, taking time off from it is essential to its sustainability. 

I've been running my business for while and my mindset has definitely shifted since the early days. In the past, when I heard the words "I can't take time off, my business needs me." I used to think"Wow. That's dedication and discipline. 
Now I think, "Damn. That's a surefire recipe for burnout." How do I know? Because I've pushed myself to the brink of burnout (and beyond) too many times. 

I'm not saying don't be passionate. I'm also not saying you shouldn't push the boundaries and challenge yourself. I'm saying make sure that you are replenishing what you are giving out. You can only expend a certain amount of energy before you run out completely and come to a grinding halt. 

I recently started reading Steven Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People". Not as a cry for help/ my life is a mess new years resolution though. If you take a look at the crowd size in gyms (which will steadily start thinning out between now and March) you'll quickly deduce - making a glib new years resolution is bullshit. It doesn't last. You need to really "count the cost before you build the tower." There's a big difference between making a resolution and setting a goal. If you haven't read 7 Habits yet I suggest you get a copy. It's a gem. I've started putting the concepts into practice and they've already yielded some very satisfying results in my personal life and my business. Here's a link to the book summary

One of the concepts that is helping me get a bit more balance as an entrepreneur is breaking my life up into all the different roles I have personally (Believer, Individual, Wife, Mother, Friend, Writer etc) and professionally (Strategy Manager, Sales Manager, Social Media Manager, Editor etc). After identifying the roles, step 2 is setting goals for each role (long, medium and short term) and planning your week according to those goals.

If you read any management books, attended seminars or trawled the internet you'll have come across the concept of "SMART" goal setting.




Don't push yourself to burnout this year. Set goals. Find the balance. Work hard. Work smart. Keep focus on what is important across your personal life and your business. Chug back the occasional Redbull if you need to, but make sure you're generating most of your energy from getting enough rest, relaxation and a balanced diet.

Now go out there and rock your week!

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