Monday, July 29, 2013

Vision and Success

Success starts with vision. Only when you know where you're heading can you chart a course to reach your destination.

How many of us can truly say we know exactly where we're going? Not many. And it shows. We get stuck in the unconscious incompetence phase and through ignorance (sometimes willful) we stay there. If you don't acknowledge your vulnerability, and you project a "I've got all it all together" image to the world - you are sabotaging your progress. 

Life is messy. Now matter how hard we "fake it till we make it" we are not perfect, and the sooner we get real with ourselves about where we stand, the sooner we can do something about getting from where we are to where we want to be. 

What do you want your life to look like in 3 months, 6 months, 12 months... 2 years time? 
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that many entrepreneurs operate on autopilot - without thinking about where the plane is headed. We deal with the challenges of the moment...Which warning lights are flashing? Is there enough fuel? Is an engine on fire? Watch out for that mountain! I understand that you need to be aware of present challenges but if all your energy is focused on the now, without maintaining a clear sense of your final destination, you may be headed for a crash landing. 

If planning 2 years ahead scares you, start smaller. Think 12 months. What does success look like to you at the end of that time period? Imagine yourself there. What does it sound like, taste like, smell like? What emotional state are you in? Looking back, what have you achieved to get to that point?

Now go and write it down. It should look something like this (disclaimer - this just a fictional example - not my personal "destination")

It's the first of October 2014, and I am walking in the beach at Fishoek. The waves are splashing over my toes. The water is freezing. A feel free and content. I'm in Cape Town to facilitate and film the Hookup Dinners, which happen on the 1st Thursday of the month. The dinners are wildly successful and I get at least 5 qualified leads for business at each event.

So there you have! Go set some goals Tiger! 

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